Seed Starting for 2019

We're a bit late this year getting seeds started. It's been a very wet 2018 and everything around the farm has been getting behind, as it's effectively been a mudslide anywhere you turn.
I purchased a large number of plastic cell starters 3 years ago before I really started thinking seriously about single use plastics. We've already got them, and we reuse and recycle what we can. In the future I'm looking to do something with soil cubes and other completely bio-degradeable options.
So starting with the plan, which is sketched out on a legal pad, I pull the seeds I need.
From there I get a tray ready to go. I put the tray plug insert into a large container where we've got wet seed starting mix waiting.
Fill it up and then transfer it into the water tray on the table next to the soil bin.
I use this wood "pencil" that came with one of the kids scratch off books that's long since gone to make a small divit in the center of each cell.
And then I plant the seed in each hole, cover it over, add water to the tray, and set the trays on heating mats in most cases.
That's about it. Once you get the process down, things move quickly. If you're making up each tray as you go, it can take quite a lot longer to get this done. Always have a plan before you start!
Here's a list of the seeds we're starting (not direct sowing) for 2019, including the source from where we bought the seed.
Anise Hyssop (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Artichoke, Green Globe (Baker Creek)
Artichoke, Purple Romanga (Baker Creek)
Artichoke, Globe (Monticello)
Artichoke, Violet of Provence (Baker Creek)
Asparagus, Mary Washington (Baker Creek)
Asparagus, Precoce D'Argenteuil (Baker Creek)
Basil, Genovese (Baker Creek)
Basil, Lemon (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Broccoli, Wlatham 29 (Baker Creek)
Brussel Sprouts (Baker Creek)
Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield (Baker Creek)
Cabbage, Michihli (Baker Creek)
Cabbage, Late Flat Dutch (Baker Creek)
Cardoon, Rouge D'Alger (Baker Creek)
Catnip (Self-saved)
Cauliflower, Snowball Y Improved (Terroir Seeds)
Huckleberry (Baker Creek)
Lavendar (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Lemon Balm (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Lemongrass (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Lettuce, Oak Leaf (Baker Creek)
Lettuce, Paris White Cos (Monticello)
Lettuce, Red Romaine (Baker Creek)
Lettuce, Spotted Aleppo (Monticello)
Lovage (Baker Creek)
Marjoram (Baker Creek)
Melon, Ann Arundel (Baker Creek/Monticello)
Melon, Edisto 47 (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Melon, Seminole (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Melon, Trifecta (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Onion, Granex (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Onion, Australian Brown (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Onion, Red Wethersfield (Monticello)
Onion, Yellow of Parma (Baker Creek)
Onion, He Ski Ko Bunching
Parsley (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Banana (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Cayenne (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Pepper, California Wonder (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Corona (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Pepper, Tom Jalapeño (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Jalapeño Craig Grande (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Paprika (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Karma (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Pepper, Sweet Red Mini Bell (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Midas Touch (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Pepper, Ozark Giant (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Serano (Baker Creek)
Pepper, Super Shepherd (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Pepper, Sweet Bullnose (Commonwealth Seed Growers)
Pepper, Paradicion Alaku Sarga Szentes (Baker Creek)
Purslane (Baker Creek)
Sage, Garden (Baker Creek)
Sage, Scarlet (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Summer Savory (Baker Creek)
St. John's Wort (Baker Creek)
Thyme (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Black Vernissage (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Chestnut Chocolate (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Dark Galaxy (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Green Vernissage (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Glacier (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Tomato, Quadro (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Tomato, San Marzano (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Tomato, Amish Paste (Baker Creek)
Tomato, St. Pierre (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Black Krim (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Brandywine (Baker Creek)
Tomato, Roma VF Virginia Select (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)
Tulsi, Rama (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Tulsi, Kapoor (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Tulsi, Temperate (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Tulsi, Vana (Strictly Medicinal Seeds)
Wonderberry (Baker Creek)
We are direct sowing many things, and those will be listed in other posts.